Grade 7: Unit 4

I- Clothes items:
      a- clothes nouns taking both singular and plural forms:

      b- clothes nouns taking only plural forms:

   - Listen and repeat: clothes

II- Demonstratives: This , That , These , Those

    - click on the link below and do the exrcise:

Click on the links below and do the exrcises:

Click on the link below and do the exrcises:

Listen and repeat

IV- Colours/colors:
   - What colour/color.....?

- The Rainbow Colors ; song
     Listen and repeat:

V- Adjectives:
    - What is the role of adjectives? 
- The role of adjectives is description. 
- Adjectives give us more information about people , animals or things . ⇨ Adjectives describe a noun or pronoun.
e.g :   
- John is tall. "tall" is an adjective . it describes "John"
- The lion is dangerous. "dangerous" is an adjective. It describes "the lion"
- Her eyes are brown. "brown" is an adjective. It describes " her eyes"

  - What is the position of adjectives ?
1- After a linking verb : to be , seem , look , feel... ( predicative). 
e.g : John is tall.  "tall" is a predicative adjective modifying "John"

2- Before a noun:( attributive) :  e.g : I have got a new jacket. "new" is an attributive adjective modifying "jacket"


- Opposites are adjectives: (≠)

- click on the links below and do the exercises:

VI- Describing people:
     - While describing someone , we should give details of both his/her physical appearance and personality.

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