Grade 7: Unit 5

I- Building :

II- Rooms of my house:
- Listen and repeat:

Online exercises:
- Click on the links below and do the exrcises.

III- Furniture of the rooms:
- Listen and repeat:

 1- In the living-room

Online exercises:
- Click on the links below and do the exrcises.

 2- In the kitchen

Online exercises:
- Click on the links below and do the exrcises.
  Online exercises:
- Click on the links below and do the exrcises.


V- There is / There are:

1- We use there is with singular.

     example:  There is a living-room in the house.
                          There is an armchair in the living-room

2-We use there are with plural.
    example: There are two living-rooms in the house.
                        There are three armchairs in the living-room

  Online exercises:
- Click on the links below and do the exrcises.

   - a - an - some - any :

 Online exercises:
- Click on the links below and do the exrcises.


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