Grade 7 : Unit 2

I- Numbers from 1 to 20
 - Listen and repeat

   1- How old are you ?
      Sara : How old are you ?
         John : I'm twelve years old. And you ?
         Sara : I'm thirteen.

II- School & classroom:
- School 
There are three types of schools in Morocco : primary school , middle school , and high school.

  - Classroom

  - Classroom objects:

    Listen and repeat ( classroom objects)

    Online Exercises ( classroom objects)
  click on the link below and do the exrcise!

  - School Subjects:

    Listen and repeat (school subjects)

III- Subject Prounouns

IV- Verb "to be" in Simple Present
  a- Affirmative:

Listen and repeat: I am ,  You are  ,  He / She /It is ,  We are ,  You are ,  They are

  - Online exercise: click on the link below and do the exrcise.
    b- Negative:

Listen and repeat:
 I am not (I'm not),  You are not (aren't)  ,  He / She /It is not (isn't) ,  We are not ( (aren't) ,  You are not (aren't) ,  They are not (aren't)

Online exercise: click on the link below and do the exrcise.

    c- Interrogative:

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